Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Sometimes it feels a much happier if you could get someone who understands your world more than you thought. Only to find in the end that you just failed to understand him/her too and it would already been too late to realize that. Sometimes that person may wish to get that chance once again in a while, too bad there would be a little chance of success b'se you already lost that precious opportunity before and you just can't get it back once again. It is were you will understand how precious that person was to be for you and you alone. And you let that person down watching how much you disgrace his/her trust chasing him/her away without know how important and how much he/she cares for you in a way you would never imagine. I know it will feels much depressed to know how hard you have been to him/her in a way you would have never get him/her back again. People says let "fate" decide its way. Maybe you were never meant to be together or you were worthless of his/her love in that way you just gave him/her a chance to start a new beginning with a new love with someone else. Though it is too hard, it worths giving it a try rather than thinking of someone who doesn't have even a pity of love for you. I CAN TELL YOU, YOU TOO DESERVES TO BE HAPPY. Let sadness go away by forgiving and forgetting truly and heartedly. There you will find you are worth to be happy even once in a while in your life whose our ALMIGHT GOD Has GRANTED us as a gift. Don't say I'm not gifted. I assure you, everyone is gifted but very awful some never open their packages. Don't just THINK TWICE but you got to THINK SMART too. FARE WELL MY FRIENDS. You got a long way to go. Just pray to GOD so He can give you more time to live to see what lies ahead of you. God answers all prayers if you ask Him with kind and pure heart. This is my WORLD friends. I thought it would be better if I share this small world of mine to you as well. Feel free to share to anyone you like, anywhere and anytime you want.

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